Awaken your natural self-healing mechanism, promote organ function and overall vitality, treat infertility as well as reverse aging with our Acupuncture treatment. Acupuncture points have anatomical and physiological basis and are carefully located by the practitioner. Stimulation of specific acupuncture points results in increased circul
Awaken your natural self-healing mechanism, promote organ function and overall vitality, treat infertility as well as reverse aging with our Acupuncture treatment. Acupuncture points have anatomical and physiological basis and are carefully located by the practitioner. Stimulation of specific acupuncture points results in increased circulation, decreased inflammation, and pain relief as well as a release of endorphins (natural “ feel good” hormones). Modern clinical studies on the benefits of acupuncture show that it successfully treats a wide range of conditions.
Boost your health with this powerful treatment. Glass, plastic or ceramic cups are carefully and safely placed on problem areas of the body. Not only does cupping therapy relax tight, sore muscles, it also stimulates your immune system, promotes blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, detoxes tissues, improves organ function and metabo
Boost your health with this powerful treatment. Glass, plastic or ceramic cups are carefully and safely placed on problem areas of the body. Not only does cupping therapy relax tight, sore muscles, it also stimulates your immune system, promotes blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, detoxes tissues, improves organ function and metabolism, boosts fertility ,as well as helps many respiratory conditions.
Alleviate painful stiff joints and achy muscles with this proven treatment. Moxibustion is a form of ancient heat therapy in which dried Mugwort herb called “moxa” is held over specific areas until the area becomes suffused with warmth. This treatment is very effective for arthritis, protection against cold and flu, various digestive and
Alleviate painful stiff joints and achy muscles with this proven treatment. Moxibustion is a form of ancient heat therapy in which dried Mugwort herb called “moxa” is held over specific areas until the area becomes suffused with warmth. This treatment is very effective for arthritis, protection against cold and flu, various digestive and gynecological conditions as well as breech baby presentation in late term pregnancy.
Turn to nature’s medicine cabinet and ancient healing wisdom to mend wounds, treat disease, treat infertility, impotence, nourish your body and correct various imbalances. Herbal medicine is a powerful and essential part of healing in Chinese Medicine. Unlike many modern pharmaceuticals, natural herbs effectively treat the root of the dis
Turn to nature’s medicine cabinet and ancient healing wisdom to mend wounds, treat disease, treat infertility, impotence, nourish your body and correct various imbalances. Herbal medicine is a powerful and essential part of healing in Chinese Medicine. Unlike many modern pharmaceuticals, natural herbs effectively treat the root of the disease without masking symptoms. After a detailed intake and diagnosis an herbal formula will be prescribed for your specic ailment.
Air compression massage suit stimulates circulation of blood and lymph and detox your tissues. Works wonderfully for patients with the following plus many more: * Edema or swelling in the feet. * Poor circulation * Restless leg syndrome * Leg cramps *Fibromyalgia * Diabetic neuropathy * Nerve pain *Back pain *Hip pain *Foot pain *Arthriti
Air compression massage suit stimulates circulation of blood and lymph and detox your tissues. Works wonderfully for patients with the following plus many more: * Edema or swelling in the feet. * Poor circulation * Restless leg syndrome * Leg cramps *Fibromyalgia * Diabetic neuropathy * Nerve pain *Back pain *Hip pain *Foot pain *Arthritis * Constipation *Bloating *Workout recovery *Stress *Weight loss *Toxic waste removal *Immune system boost *Longevity *Relaxation *Organ function optimization *IBS
This unique anti-aging facial treatment combines innovative vacuum massage therapy, body and face acupuncture as well as application of organic skin-care products. This remarkable and ultra-relaxing treatment promotes lymphatic drainage, activates detoxification of subcutaneous tissue, boosts synthesis of collagen and elastin, erases wrin
This unique anti-aging facial treatment combines innovative vacuum massage therapy, body and face acupuncture as well as application of organic skin-care products. This remarkable and ultra-relaxing treatment promotes lymphatic drainage, activates detoxification of subcutaneous tissue, boosts synthesis of collagen and elastin, erases wrinkles, lifts and rejuvenates sagging skin and contours face.
This powerful anti- aging skin treatment involves an electric skin needling device that contains very fine needles. The device is used to break down old scar tissue and facilitate skin cell generation, which creates new layers of elastin and collagen fiber. This new growth leads to improved blood flow in the skin and creates fuller brigh
This powerful anti- aging skin treatment involves an electric skin needling device that contains very fine needles. The device is used to break down old scar tissue and facilitate skin cell generation, which creates new layers of elastin and collagen fiber. This new growth leads to improved blood flow in the skin and creates fuller brighter looking skin. Excellent for acne scars, hyperpigmentation, dull skin, as well as stretch marks.